Jacinto city hookup city council

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To provide quality service to the citizens of Rockwall through our Water, Wastewater, and engineering Departments in a safe, responsive, cost-effective manner, striving to continuously improve service to our customers while planning for future needs.

Water/Wastewater Manager
Rick Sherer

Water Field Supervisor
Curtis McAden

Wastewater Field Supervisor
Steve Clawson

Pump Tech Field Supervisor
Shon Bellah

Public Works Coordinator
Stacy Dean

Water/Wastewater Issues

Service Center at (972) 771-7730
Normal Hours of Operation
8:00 am through 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call the Rockwall Police Department at
(972) 771-7724

1600 Airport Road
Rockwall , Texas 75087

Chapter 13.32


13.32.010 Parcel defined.

For the purpose of this chapter, the word “parcel” is defined as a piece of ground upon which there is a residence or a commercial enterprise or a parcel upon which there are one or more single-family residences and one or more commercial businesses, or a combination thereof, which piece of ground cannot be divided into separate parcels under existing ordinances of the city. (Prior code § 13.60.010)

13.32.020 Conformance required.

Every connection made with any public sewer of the city shall be made in the manner and with such materials as are set forth in this chapter. (Prior code § 13.60.020)

13.32.030 Standards generally.

The person making connections to and extensions of the sewer lines and mains of the city shall make such connections and extensions in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code thereto appertaining and engineering department specifications of the city and shall be responsible for the procuring of all permits, lighting and barricading of excavations, repaving and repair of streets and curbs, notification of the city for inspection as required, backfill, compaction and cleanup of the job. In the event such person shall fail to correct subsequent settling and instability of backfill of any excavation or of improper pavement, curb or street repair within ten days after mailing of written notice of such deficiencies by registered mail to the address on the application of a permit, the city shall proceed to correct such deficiencies and the person responsible therefor shall reimburse the city of all costs incurred in correcting such deficiencies. In the event such responsible person shall be a licensed contractor, such failure shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of his or her city business license. (Prior code § 13.60.030)

13.32.040 Minimum distance below street grade.

Where laid within the limits of a public street, no sewer connection shall be laid less than three feet below the established grade of the same, or below the surface when no grade is established, except by special permit in writing from the superintendent. (Ord. 1069 § 54, 1999: prior code § 13.60.040)

13.32.050 Tapping public sewers.

Whenever it becomes necessary to connect a house connection sewer to a public sewer at as point where no special “Y” or “T” branch has been installed in the public sewer, the connection shall be made in the presence of an inspector and in the following manner:

A. In all public sewers of twelve (12) inches or less in internal diameter and of ten feet or less in depth, the connection shall be made in accordance with city standards.

B. In public sewers of from eight inches to twelve (12) inches, inclusive, in internal diameter and more than ten feet in depth, or of fourteen (14) inches or more in internal diameter at any depth, it shall be permissible to cut the existing pipe and insert a standard saddle. The saddle shall be fitted snugly against the exterior wall of the public sewer pipe and fastened in place by heavy galvanized asphalt paint-coated wire which shall be bound around the main line pipe. A foundation of cement concrete shall then be placed under and around the saddle in the manner required and directed by the inspector. (Ord. 1069 § 55, 1999; prior code § 13.60.050)

13.32.060 Connection required—Generally.

All plumbing affecting the sanitary condition of any building or other structure located within the boundaries of any lot not already adequately serviced by a cesspool or septic tank shall, within thirty (30) days immediately following the time when a public sewer is constructed and available for use to such building or structure, be connected with and drained into such public sewer in the public street, alley, right-of-way or other public place abutting upon such lot. (Prior code § 13.60.060)

13.32.070 Connection required—Cesspool or septic tank abandonment.

Any cesspool or septic tank which shall become unserviceable from any cause shall be abandoned and the premises previously served by such cesspool or septic tank shall, wherever sewers are available, be connected with and drained into a public sewer within ten days from the time such cesspool or septic tank becomes unserviceable. (Prior code § 13.60.070)

13.32.080 Connection required—New construction.

If an existing adequate public sewer line or main in this city is located adjacent to or within the distance established by the formula in this section of any new construction for human occupation to be placed upon any parcel or parcels, such parcel or parcels shall be deemed to have sewer available and connection thereto shall be provided at the cost of the applicant. For such purposes sewer shall be deemed to be available if it is located within two hundred (200) feet multiplied by the number of residential units (or equivalent) to be constructed, so that if a sewer is located within one thousand (1,000) feet of five residential units to be constructed, it shall be deemed to be available. Each twenty (20) plumbing fixture units or portions thereof, as defined in the latest adopted Uniform Plumbing Code, shall be deemed the equivalent of one residential unit. (Prior code § 13.60.080)

13.32.090 Connection to new structures—Costs.

Any person subsequently connecting to any sewer extension constructed pursuant to Section 13.32.080 of this chapter shall pay the cost as established by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 1069 § 56, 1999: prior code § 13.60.090)

Jacinto City Hookup City

13.32.100 Connection to new structures—Disposition of payments.

A. All money collected by the city pursuant to Section 13.32.090 of this chapter shall be paid on demand to the person who has paid the cost of construction or the extension.

B. However, no money shall be paid by the city as provided in this section after ten years from the date of city approval and acceptance of the extension. (Prior code § 13.60.100)

13.32.110 Exceptions to connection requirements.

When, in the opinion of the city council, compliance with the mandatory provisions of Sections 13.32.080 to 13.32.100 of this chapter shall create undue hardship upon a person in the city, the city council may, after public hearing duly noticed by publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the city not less than ten days prior to such hearing, waive compliance with any provisions contained in such sections. In the alternative, the city council may agree with any person to contribute funds sufficient to equitably reduce any hardship imposed by the mandatory provisions of such sections. (Prior code § 13.60.110)

13.32.120 Permit—Required.

No person shall make or maintain or cause to be made or maintained any connection with any public sewer of the city until a permit therefor has been obtained from the superintendent or make or cause to be made any such connection pursuant to any such permit at any place other than that designated therein. (Ord. 1069 § 57, 1999: prior code § 13.60.120)

Jacinto City Hookup City

13.32.130 Permit—Application—Content.

Any person desiring a permit to connect a parcel with the sewer system of the city shall make application therefor to the superintendent. The application shall be in writing on the form provided by the superintendent and shall contain a legal description of the parcel and the street address of the parcel, if any, which is to be so connected. A separate application and permit shall be required for each parcel to be connected. (Ord. 1069 § 58, 1999: prior code § 13.60.130)

13.32.140 Permit—Application—Review.

The superintendent shall have been delegated by him or her shall consider each application and determine whether the public sewer system is of such capacity or construction that the desired connection may be made in accordance with proper engineering and construction practice. (Ord. 1069 § 59, 1999: prior code § 13.60.140)

13.32.150 Fees—Designated.

Concurrently with the issuance of a permit for a sewer connection, an applicant shall pay the city a connecting charge. The sewer connection charges shall be established in such amount as the city council may establish by resolution. (Ord. 1069 § 60, 1999: prior code § 13.60.150)

13.32.160 Fees—Credits.

In the event the owner of the parcel being connected to a public sewer shall have paid for an extension of the sewer line to the parcel to be connected, he shall receive a credit as set by resolution of the city council for each foot of sewer line so extended. (Ord. 1069 § 61, 1999: prior code § 13.60.160)

13.32.170 Fees—Disposition.

All sewer connection fees shall be maintained in a separate fund to be known as the sewer connection fund and to be used solely for the purpose of improving, enlarging and maintaining the sewer system of the city. (Prior code § 13.60.170)

13.32.180 Sewers in undedicated streets—Connection prohibited.

No person shall connect or cause to be connected any sewer which has been or may be constructed in any street, alley, right-of-way or other public place prior to the dedication and acceptance of such street, alley, right-of-way or other public place by the city council on behalf of the public with any public sewer or the city unless such sewer first mentioned shall have been laid under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the superintendent and in accordance with the standard specifications, plans and profiles approved by the superintendent. (Ord. 1069 § 62, 1999: prior code § 13.60.180)

13.32.190 House court sewer connections.

All buildings constituting a house court may be connected to the public sewer by means of one private sewer located upon the lot or parcel of land upon which such house court is situated. (Prior code § 13.60.190)

Jacinto City Hookup City

Jacinto city hookup city council meetings

Jacinto City Hookup City Of Industry

13.32.200 Swimming pool connection prohibitions.

No person shall connect any swimming pool or tank to any public sewer of the city or house connection sewer leading thereto, except by special permit from the superintendent. (Ord. 1069 § 63, 1999: prior code § 13.60.200)

13.32.210 Safe waste pipes.

No person shall connect any safe waste pipe from any establishment directly to any public sewer of the city or house connection sewer leading thereto. Such safe waste pipe shall discharge into a water-supplied sink or discharge outside of building. (Prior code § 13.60.210)

13.32.220 Exhaust steam and boiler blowoff prohibited

No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit the exhaust from any engine or the blowoff from any boiler to be connected directly to any public sewer of the city or house connection sewer leading thereto.

Such exhaust or blowoff shall first connect with a watertight sump which may, in turn, be connected to the public sewer. (Prior code § 13.60.220)

13.32.230 Surface runoff prohibited.

No person shall connect any roof conductor, yard drain or other conduit used for carrying off rainwater or surface water with any sanitary sewer of the city or house connection sewer leading thereto. (Prior code § 13.60.230)

Jacinto City Hookup City Council

13.32.240 Cross-lot connections prohibited.

Jacinto City Hookup City Council

No connection from any building or structure shall be made to any public sewer, which connection or any portion thereof shall be in, under or upon any lot other than the lot on which such building or structure is located. (Prior code § 13.60.240)