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Over 40 Dating In Denver Co Now

Yelp has rankings for just about everything in Denver.

Including the best bars to meet older women.

The list, based, as is everything on the site, on user votes and commentary, is dominated by night spots, although one entry among the top ten is better known as an eatery.

Or at least better known to people who aren't hunting cougars.

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Continue to count down the Yelp top ten, including links to the original items and the top recent review. The listings are illustrated with Westword photos that sport links of their own, to our full-service location pages.

Number 10: Prohibition
504 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80203

Over 40 Dating In Denver Co Today


Top recent review:

We decided to eat dinner here before it was on the food network. The server mentioned they were famous for the braised short rib sliders. They were awesome. I'm not a big rib fan, but these were so good. I highly recommend them.

I was here with 2 friends and we all ended up getting the pot pie. We were a little hesitant at first because the menu says they take 20+ minutes, but it was worth it. Not even sure if it took that long. This was seriously the best pot pie I've ever had.

The drinks are great here too. I had some sort of strawberry cocktail and Moscow mule.

Bottom line, if you're in the area you have to check this place out!

Number 9: Herb's Hideout
2057 Larimer St
Denver, CO 80205

Top recent review:

Herb's is by far my favorite place to go to dance to some funk music! They have awesome bands that come play, and we always have fun when we go. It gets super busy and crowded on the weekends, but don't fret, there's a patio!

Number 8: Illegal Pete's
1530 16th St
Denver, CO 80202

Top recent review:

So good.

I'd read the great reviews for Illegal Pete's on Yelp and tucked them away as an idea for good food later.

The vibe definitely lived up to my expectation and the Pork Carnitas Nachos that I ordered exceeded them. Ingredients were soo fresh, prepared right in front of me and they piled them high on top of the bed of chips before covering them with glorious queso.

How often does it happen that you run out of chips before you run out of the 'good stuff' while decimating an order of nachos late night? It happened to me at Illegal Pete's!

Number 7: Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret
1601 Arapahoe St
Denver, CO 80202

Top recent review:

Over 40 Dating In Denver Colorado

We went to the off the clock show last night and had a blast! Naughty Pierre is a riot and he really made the show, in my opinion. The dancers are all fantastic and come in all shapes and sizes. Waitress was very attentive and polite as well. The only thing I would not recommend is the gourmet popcorn- it was not warm and the truffle oil was quite overpowering.

Number 6: Sancho's Broken Arrow
741 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80203

Top recent review:

Sanchos is the jam! Dark and divey vibes with an okay draft list. Tons of Grateful Dead decor which is pretty freakin rad if you ask me. They have some games too, pool and fooz if you're into it.

Continue to keep counting down the ten best Denver bars and restaurants to meet older women according to Yelp.

Number 5: The Thin Man
2015 E 17th Ave
Denver, CO 80206

Top recent review:

Dear Denver,

This is my kinda *juice joint.

With its dimly lit red café lights, odd/eccentric/charming décor, solid tuneage and delicious drinks, this place is cooler than the other side of the pillow.

Other reviewers have said things about 'actual character' and 'zero pretense.' Agreed wholeheartedly and endorsed from my end... regulars and cool kids populate the Thin Man... seems it's a space for real neighborhood people just being, hanging, conversing and catching-up over drinks.

Over 40 Dating In Denver Co Colorado

Were I a Denverite/Denveran/Denvarian/Denvan I'd be all over the Thin Man; meaning it would most certainly be a regular haunt of mine.

Number 4: The Shag Lounge
830 15th St
Denver, CO 80202

Top recent review:

Came to town for vacation and stumbled across this place. Very relaxed, great conversation and music. Cheap beer and great service!

Number 3: The Nob Hill Inn
420 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80203


Top recent review:


Over 40 Dating In Denver Co.

Kristy is a great bartender. Her Jameson and ginger is delicious and she keeps them coming! The clientel is a lil rough sometimes but you're not here for the scenery. Bring some friends.

I cant wait to come back. They have plenty of seating and a great jukebox.

Number 2: Horseshoe Lounge
414 E 20th Ave
Denver, CO 80205

Over 40 Dating In Denver Co Right Now

Top recent review:

Great spot to hang out with your friends and enjoy yourself over a game of pool with a native Colorado brew! Locals and visitors welcome!!!However, if you're Jonathon E. from San Diego welllll I think Ron Burgundy said it best when he was reading that teleprompter!!!

Number 1: P.S. Lounge
3416 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80206

Top recent review:

I love this bar! The drinks are dirt cheap. You get a free shot and a rose when you order a drink. I come here for the cheap drinks and because the owner is amazing. Don't let the other reviews deceive you.

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