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Private dating scan near merriam ks zip

**COVID-19 Pandemic Precautions**

Our goal is to maintain the health of our patients and employees as we continue to monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are following CDC and KDHE recommendations for social distancing and have implemented a policy of allowing patients only in the waiting room and clinic areas.

If you have an upcoming appointment and have traveled out of state in the last 14 days or if you exhibit upper respiratory symptoms including fever greater than 100.4ºF, coughing, or shortness of breath, we ask that you contact our office at (316) 261-3130 to reschedule your appointment.

We are now offering telehealth appointments for you to visit directly with your care provider face to face via your computer or smart phone. Please contact us at (316) 261-3130 and our staff would be happy to walk you through this process.

At Kansas Gastroenterology, LLC & Kansas Endoscopy, LLC, our priority is to deliver quality care to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting.

When you let us know about an ultrasound or CT scan the doc can have it ready to discuss with you. Bring a family member to help take notes. If you forget to ask something, don't worry. We will have another chance to talk before surgery.

Quality Care
When you have digestive problems, you need to turn to a gastroenterologist who listens and responds… an experienced doctor who knows the field and can effectively diagnose and treat your needs…a friendly physician who counsels you on the best ways to maintain and improve your health. Our physicians meet all these criteria. Plus, you benefit from a dedicated team of trained gastroenterology professionals who give you the individualized attention you deserve.

Informed Patients
Kansas Gastroenterology, LLC & Kansas Endoscopy, LLC believes that informed patients are better prepared to make decisions regarding their health and well being. That is why we’ve included an extensive section on the website covering the full array of topics associated with gastroenterology and diagnoses and treatments for digestive problems. We encourage you to look through these pages whenever you have an interest or concern about your digestive health.

Comfortable, Convenient Setting
The best care in the world doesn’t mean anything if you can’t access it. At Kansas Gastroenterology, LLC & Kansas Endoscopy, LLC , we strive to make our Wichita office as efficient and convenient as possible. Included in these web pages is information about Kansas Gastroenterology, LLC & Kansas Endoscopy, LLC ’s office, including our Wichita location, maps, directions, hours, and insurance policies.

To schedule an appointment, please contact your primary care provider. A referral is required regardless of insurance type.

Private Dating Scan Near Merriam Ks Zip

We hope you find this website useful and invite you to contact us with your questions at any time.